Four Corners YouthBuild

The 4Corners YouthBuild program is a US Department of Labor funded program targeting Opportunity Youth, ages 16-24.

The Four Corners YouthBuild Program (YouthBuild)

Start Date
Service Area
Rio Arriva & San Juan Counties

Participants receive a monthly stipend, tuition assistance, supplies, equipment, coaching, mentoring and a 1-year follow-up after the initial 12-months of training and experience.

The program collaborates with local post-secondary institutions for instruction, career counseling and wrap-around services as may be needed.  We also collaborate with local agencies for hands-on experiences and service learning opportunities.

Upon completion of the program the participants have gained stackable portable credentials that allow them to enter the workforce and help meet a job shortage area (construction industries) as trained construction workers in San Juan and Rio Arriba Counties in NM.

What We Offer

Academic Achievement:

Participants without a high school diploma or GED pursue completion of their high school credentials and all participants continue academic studies.

Occupational Training:

Completion of an Apprenticeship Readiness Program (ARP) and hands-on work experience in a variety of construction trades.

Leadership and Service Learning:

All work experience occurs on service-based sites, where the participants contribute to their larger community and develop leadership skills

"I recognize that without… hard work and involvement with the 3 Rivers Foundation, none of this would have been possible. Thank you for picking me to be part of this program. I hope I can make you proud! I also hope to pay it forward to other students in my future!"

Irene Martinez

Texas TQP Graduate