Mesa Vista Health Empowering Academic Learning

Grant award#: S215E120345

A federally funded project in collaboration with Mesa Vista Consolidated Schools to bring counseling and social services to elementary students and professional development in social, emotional, and behavioral issues to their teachers.

The project, funded through the U.S. Department of Education’s Elementary and Secondary School Counseling program, is funded for approximately $400K for three years.

Project Goal and Objectives

Improve student resiliency to factors that promote destructive behavior, mental health challenges, and poor academic achievement.


  • Create a structure to provide students and community members with access to counseling, social services, and mental health support
  • Reduce the number of student referrals for drug use, violent behaviors, and persistent classroom misbehavior
  • Improve teachers’ and administrators’ abilities to respond productively to student misbehavior at the school level and to create a climate conducive to learning
  • Improve collaboration among the schools, community, and external social service organizations

Project Director: David Bowman: 505-603-3411
Senior Counselor: Harrell Holder
Community Liaison: Adela Holder